Speaker Honorarium & Expenses
Please familiarize yourself with the following details regarding types of sessions, honorarium, expenses, and other financial details.
Types of Session
- 60-minute sessions - 60-minute sessions provide adequate time to introduce and explore a unit, novel idea, or pedagogical approach.
- Half-Day Workshops—A half-day workshop includes time for a combination of presentation, discussion, and active teacher participation.
- Full Day Workshops - A full day workshop is organized around a particular theme or subject which includes ample time for teachers to work with presenters to fully explore a topic and to collaborate with colleagues so knowledge can be transferred back to their school contexts.
Speaker Honorarium
Speakers receive a modest honorarium to compensate for the time spent preparing session presentations and materials. This amount is reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA).
Our standard honorarium for each type of session is as follows:
- 60 minute Sessions - $300
- Half Day Workshops - $600
- Full Day Workshops - $1,200
This honorarium will be shared between speakers who co-present. Co-presenters offering Full Day Workshops which contain multiple concurrent break-out sessions does not entitle each speaker to accumulate honorarium for each individual seminar within their larger events unless this has been pre-approved.
If payment is to be split between multiple speakers, all speakers must provide their social insurance number and home address to the CCTCA for tax reporting purposes. Alternatively, one individual or company may receive payment and ensure the distribution of these funds between speakers. This individual or entity would have to provide a social insurance number or GST number and the CCTCA ATA will report the total honorarium to the CRA as being received by this one individual or entity.
Collecting Speaker Honorarium
If your proposal included a request for an honorarium and your session was accepted, you will receive payment using PayEdge, an RBC product. As a speaker, you WILL be required to supply banking to PayEdge, an RBC product.
Speakers sessions, with individuals speaking will be required to provide social insurance numbers during the contracting phase. All information will be collected using a secure site. Speaker sessions submitted by
organizations/companies will be required to provide an invoice for their services during the contracting phase using a secure site. All invoices must have GST numbers. Failure to provide this information may exempt your session.
Sessions which have an additional fee for materials and supplies will be reimbursed based upon the approved fee. Materials will be paid as expenses. Please note, CCTCA will not pay administration fees to purchase materials. All materials costs must be the value of the materials plus related taxes.
Speakers who applied for expenses during the application process and had their applications approved may receive reimbursement of expenses.
Expenses affiliated with the session MUST be applied for in the initial application. This is a component of the approval process. If these additional expenses are approved, expenses will be reviewed and paid on an individual basis. If expenses are NOT applied for and not approved prior to the speaking engagement, all expenses will be the responsibility of the speaker.
Copying and Materials
The CCTCA does not provide remuneration for copied materials, nor does it provide copying services to speakers. Upload all documents for sessions to the registration system when it opens. If you need assistance with the process, contact CCTCAconventionmanager@outlook.com
Substitute Coverage
If you requested substitute coverage, you must provide the cctcatreasurer@gmail.com with the name and contact information of the HR representative in your school board. The CCTCA pays school boards directly for sub-coverage once an invoice is received from your school board. Payment is not made directly to speakers.
Approved sessions which require travel and accommodations will have travel covered if presenters travel from OUTSIDE Calgary and District and they are not an affiliate of ATA Local 38 or ATA Local 55. Travel must exceed 100 kms.
Pre-approved travel will be paid at $.58 per km from the place of residence to the venue, using Google Maps kilometrage. Travel expenses will be added to speaker fees.
Flights will be offered to presenters, under the following conditions:
Flight cost vs. kilometrage is more cost-effective.
Airport travel is not accessible in the geographical area.
Accommodation will be offered to presenters for one night before or one night after the approved session date.
Additional nights will be negotiated as required.
Pre approved meals for speakers traveling from outside of Calgary, distances greater than 100 kms, will be paid at the following rate:
Breakfast $23.00 including taxes and tip.
Supper $35.00 including taxes and tip, no alcohol.
These fees will be determined by your speaking engagement and paid with your speaking fees.
Lunch will NOT be included under any circumstances, as lunch is provided to speakers on convention days.